. Species of Tube Traveller #4 - The Spatial Cyclops

Friday 11 January 2013

Species of Tube Traveller #4 - The Spatial Cyclops

Unfortunately, the Spatial Cyclops is one of the most common species of commuter, causing irritation and confusion amongst hundreds of normal travellers every day. This specimen likes to walk in a particular direction with a sense of purpose, only to suddenly stop in their tracks or change direction without looking first, or giving any indication of their intentions. They have absolutely no sense of where they are and that there are dozens of people behind them who will also have to stop abruptly to avoid walking into them. This causes a chain reaction all the way down and can be catastrophic.

The Spatial Cyclops

Our studies have led us to believe that no person can be that unaware, which is why there must be some sort of small special gremlin involved that jumps onto its host and forces them to make absolutely terrible decisions when walking around on the underground. We have not yet spotted this gremlin for ourselves, but I have personally written to Major Boris Johnson about this issue. I await his response.

If you suspect that a Spatial Cyclops is up ahead, keep your distance and be ready to change direction or stop within a split second. They are unpredictable.

Habitat – Tunnels, walkways and escalators

Special Skills – Having no idea where they are, stopping suddenly, changing directions, causing people to trip up, being very annoying

Weaknesses – Unknown. Their lack of awareness makes them very resistant to any type of herding.

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